Family Business Exemptions

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 7:30am - 9:00am
Location: The Bucks Club
Speaker: Charles Bender, Esq. - Fox Rothschild

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Join the BCEPC for an informative presentation by one of our Board Members, Chuck Bender, Partner at Fox Rothschild.

He will discuss the PA Inheritance Tax Qualified Family Owned Business Exemption (QFOBE). It came in to the law for estates of decedents dying after July 1, 2013.  There were a number of issues with the language of the statute. Now that we have had over 10 years to work with the QFOBE, we have a better idea of how the Department of Revenue is administering the law and how to utilize the exemption.   

This presentation will review the requirements of qualifying for and claiming the exemption. He will review his experience in claiming and obtaining the exemption for various businesses over the past 10 years. In particular, he will review the issues related to whether a real estate business can qualify for the exemption, which has been a controversial issue ever since the statute was passed.


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